This favorite place is in the Apermarsch district in the middle of fields and pastures. It was the first property to be erected in June 2020. This place became a favorite because it is a wonderful place to enjoy the sunrise. - Those who come early may meet like-minded people who greet the sun with a thermos of tea. Jörg Ridderbusch's work reflects this moment with "many colorful birds" that accompany the sunrise with a concert and happily twitter. The 2.40 m high tower is populated by brightly colored sparrows who happily enjoy their existence and "whistle" to the cat lurking below.
Good to know
freely accessible
Price info
free entry
Suitable for any weather
for Groups
for Class
for familys
Pet allowed
Suitable for the Elderly
for Children of all Ages
Suitable for Pushchair
Foreign Language
Die Skulptur ist frei zugänglich, sie befindet sich neben einer Schutzhütte.
Hygiene and infection safety measures
Adequate ventilation
Die Skulptur befindet sich im Außenbereich einer Schutzhütte
Directions & Parking facilities
gut zu erreichen mit Fahrrad, Auto und zu Fuss
Contact person