Weekly market


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Weekly market on the Rathausmarktplatz in Apen
The weekly market takes place in Apen on the Rathausmarkt every Wednesday from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Regional products are offered here. Sufficient parking spaces are available to guests.

Good to know


7:00 Uhr bis 13:00 Uhr
Dayoff: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Closed all holidays

Price info

Visit for free

More information

Since the municipality of Apen is trying to maintain the weekly market, market feeders are sought to improve and expand the range of goods. Gladly handicraft supplies, cheese and fish products as well as eggs and poultry products.

Contact person

Gemeinde Apen
Mr. Harbers
26689 Apen


Getting there

Gemeinde Apen
26689 Apen