Rund um den Golfplatz



4.50 km long
round trip
Difficulty: easy
Great panorama
Hiking trail
  • 01:05 h
  • 4.50 km
  • 4 m
  • 7 m
  • 11 m
  • 4 m
  • Start: Parkplätze Golfplatz oder Park der Gärten
A short tour around the golf course at the Golf Club by the Sea, which is right next to the "Park der Gärten".

Follow the action on the chic 18-hole golf course of the golf club by the sea. The hiking trail leads directly past the short course (3-hole course), on which golf students refine their first strokes. The golf catering has coffee and cake ready for you. From here you can watch the take-offs and landings of the glider pilots at the adjacent glider airfield on weekends and public holidays. The further way leads you directly past the flight operations in the direction of the park of the gardens. The "wedding paddle" leads you directly past the east side of the "Park der Gärten".

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Sturdy shoes are recommended.

Directions & Parking facilities

Von der A 28 Bad Zwischenahner Meer abfahren und dann der Ausschilderung zum Park der Gärten folgen.
Parkplatz auf dem Gelände des Parks der Gärten oder auf dem Gelände des Golfplatzes am Meer. Beide Parkplätze sind kostenfrei.
Mit der Deutschen Bahn oder der Nordwestbahn bis nach Bad Zwischenahn fahren. Von dort mit der Buslinie 350 direkt bis zum Park der Gärten. 


Ein Flyer zu den Wanderwegen in der Parklandschaft Ammerland wird in Kürze erscheinen.

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

The parking lot of the golf course or the parking lot directly at the park of the gardens can be used as a starting point.

Safety guidelines

On the grounds of the golf course directly on the short course, there is a risk of being hit by flying golf balls. Please pay attention to the loud shout "Fore". If you hear this, it is advisable to duck your head to reduce the hit area.


Getting there

Rund um den Golfplatz
Bad Zwischenahn